one closet, one year!

I was getting dressed for a friend's birthday party and I didn't know what I was going to put on my body. I looked in my closet and it seemed empty, unpromising. I've had these moments before; everything was old, ill-fitting, or blah. I thought to myself, "Ugh! I have NOTHING to wear!" Then I began rifling through my closet and saw a forgotten shirt I loved and many more, and I realized I was crazy. I had plenty to wear, and plenty to choose from. My closet was FULL of treasures! At that moment I decided I would take a year to explore my closet and to add NOTHING new to my wardrobe.

I would create a NEW outfit for each day in order to maximize my wardrobe and shake up my style.

Basically, I would try to "snap out" of my fashion rut, and appreciate what I have.

It was my New Years' project:
One Closet, One Year.

Friday, February 26, 2010


I went on a field trip to the Re-Discover Center with Charlie's class today. It was a joy to see his class in action. They are an adorable and smart bunch of kids! I got out of bed later than I should have, so it was a mad dash to get out of the house on time. I grabbed my jeans and threw the rest of my outfit on quickly. I started with a "mom" top (from my admissions days), so I could look like I'm dressing my age for a change. I added the velvet jacket for fun.

When the kids and I got home they had to clean up before we could go to the library to check out a movie for Movie Night. When we got there, the security gate was down inside the building and a few people were gathered outside discussing how they keep cutting back the hours because of the furloughs. It was nice to have a political discussion with total strangers. While I was talking about the "Govenator" and California, the boys wee walking along a wall with a little boy who was entertaining himself. I love how children connect without hesitation. It was a very lovely moment of humanity!


Maroon Top: From friend. I.N.C.

Tank(Underneath): Old Navy.

Velvet Cap Sleeve Jacket: Forever 21

Jeans: From Cousin. Gap.

Shoes: Airwalk. I had to retake the pics from earlier today, so I snapped a photo of C&H! Charlie's totally awesome striped red pants are from Goodwill!!!


  1. Charlie's outfit is wonderfully awesome. Vintage and cool. The turtle neck and that pants. You should submit him to Alex's website. They have a weekly kid featured with their killer duds. Charlie would make a welcome addition. Check it out.

  2. Charlie picked that outfit himself! A winnerif do say so myself! Ayiko gave me the necklace!
