Politics aside, the highlight of the day was seeing our long lost friends! Now that we're older and busier and married-er, we don't see each other as often. A couple of our friends brought a bottle of homemade organic wine! And my brilliant cousin made these delicious lemon-coconut shortbread cookies. Yum!
There were babies and newlyweds, parents-to-be, and grandparents, new friends and old couples, and two crazy little boys! There was a mass exodus at 6 o' clock, but a few people stayed to discuss ALL of the ballot measures and candidates. The most disheartening thing is that the candidates are so disappointing. Maybe one day we'll have more options than the two-party disaster we have now.
And, Charlie successfully spelled "Antidisestablishmentarianism"! I owe him a dollar.
Tank: Clothing swap. Express.
Sweater: Clothing swap. Plenty.
Shoes: zoe & zac.
Sad to have missed it.