one closet, one year!

I was getting dressed for a friend's birthday party and I didn't know what I was going to put on my body. I looked in my closet and it seemed empty, unpromising. I've had these moments before; everything was old, ill-fitting, or blah. I thought to myself, "Ugh! I have NOTHING to wear!" Then I began rifling through my closet and saw a forgotten shirt I loved and many more, and I realized I was crazy. I had plenty to wear, and plenty to choose from. My closet was FULL of treasures! At that moment I decided I would take a year to explore my closet and to add NOTHING new to my wardrobe.

I would create a NEW outfit for each day in order to maximize my wardrobe and shake up my style.

Basically, I would try to "snap out" of my fashion rut, and appreciate what I have.

It was my New Years' project:
One Closet, One Year.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Labor Day Laze!

Since it's Labor Day weekend I figured I'd give myself a break. I mean, I've labored pretty dilligently on this blog since I gave birth to it on January 1st. In fact, I started it a couple of days before that in order to  check my closets' contents and take pictures. It has been 248 days that I've been wearing "different" outfits and writing everyday. This is a pretty big feat for a procrastinator extraordinaire like me!

A few times I thought I had repeated an ensemble, and thus would have to throw in the towel, but no!  I've somehow managed to avoid this. I seem to have a pretty good memory for what I have worn together, so I think I'll make it through the year! I have been working on a Picassa album which will show my daily outfits from the first through the present. I would like to finish it soon.

I hope you all do something you love on Labor Day, the "symbolic end of summer"! 


Shirt: This was given to me by my cousin, and I had loaned it to Pollyanna a while ago. She gave it back to me recently, so this is the first time I've worn it this year! Mossimo.

Pants: Forever 21.

Shoes: Miz Moos by Gazith.

Belt: This belonged to a polyester dress that I loved but got rid of for some reason. Maybe because it was polyester. I now have a no-polyester policy when thrifting!

More fair photos in lieu om my blabbing! I'd say that's more than a fair trade!

HaHa wearing a Shreck crown that she chose and put on herself.

Charlie poses in Dr. Bob's Ice Cream parlor.
the littlest knight was cracking us up!
she was very stubborn  about her "look".


  1. HaHa looks tre chic in headbands. I can't wait to see how she dresses as a teen with a ma like you as a fashion influence. Maybe her way of rebellion will be to wear pastel polo shirts and khaki capris with penny loafers. :)
    xo t

  2. No pastels! Please! Khakis I don't mind so much...

  3. And, I love HaHa in headbands!!!!
